After seeing this lovely picture of Alison and her friends on Facebook, we contacted The Sheringham Hedgehog Hotel to offer them our support.
They are a home-based, self-funded hedgehog rescue hotel in Sheringham.
Brian Reehl (who runs the hotel) takes up the story from here. "It all began when three baby hedgehogs were born under our garden shed in 2020 and abandoned by their mother at just a few weeks old. We took them to Hedgehog Haven North Norfolk, where Marian nurtured them until they were old enough to be released back into our garden.
In 2021, one of the released hogs had four youngsters which mother hedgehog reared until they were old enough to leave the nest. We now have a number of hedgehogs in the local area who come and feed at our house and those of our neighbours.
In order to allow Marian to spend more time caring for sick, injured and abandoned hedgehogs, I offered to provide a hedgehog taxi service to bring them from finders to the rescue. This soon turned into a first aid, triage and paramedic service for hedgehogs.
Becoming aware of a gap in rescue centre provision in the Sheringham area, I have established a small 'boutique hotel', where they can be nurtured back to be released into the wild. I am really grateful to Hodmedods and the other hedgehog rescue centers in Norfolk and around the country for their generous support and advice. Also to Cromer Vets Ltd who are now getting to know me on a regular basis".
After our initial donation, we are also giving 5% of all sales on anything hedgehog themed in our shop, in addition to a collection jar for public donations. If you'd like to help support Brian and the hedgehogs, he has a wish list on Amazon or email him on
The Hedgehog
The ‘Hedge’ part of their name comes from where they build their nests hedges, bushes and shrubs. The ‘hog’ part comes from the small snorting/ grunting sound they make which is similar to a pig/warthog.
The hedgehog was not always called a hedgehog. Before this they were called Urchins which led to the naming of Sea Urchins.
It is extremely rare that you will see multiple hedgehogs together in one place other than when mating, but if you do it is called an array.